Anybody got the flu yet this year? One of you sneaky people must have skipped getting the flu, because I got it twice. Twice. But actually, this year I don't really mind fevers. I don't know why, but I've not only gotten the flu twice but also had fevers after emotional crises; often it begins with some dream about being cleansed. Once, I dreamt that an intense elderly Japanese woman grabbed me by the throat, told me I was blind, and thrust my head into a pottery kiln. Then I woke up. With a fever. A good friend recently told me that often, when people go on a diet or a juice fast, they experience a "healing crisis"; their skin breaks out, they get a terrible headache, and generally feel like a piece of crap. Sometimes people feel like a healing crisis is some sort of punishment for trying to be healthy, and often they give up on the diet or fast because it seems like it's not working. But here's the paradox, which is actually not a paradox if you t...
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